Investment Account Set Up

Company Registration Dubai | Securely Invest Your Wealth Via A UAE Offshore Company

Company registration Dubai: Use offshore or a UAE company, fund transfers, caveats, several documents

Company registration Dubai: Varal fee for investment account set up: US$ 1,370 or AED. 5,000

Now that you have your offshore company, what are you planning to do with your funds?

Please invest 2 minutes of your time to watch the company registration Dubai video below. It spells out how you can benefit. Or if you prefer to read, then feel free to skip the video and go straight to the text below:

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One way would be to invest in the stock market rather than keeping the funds in your offshore bank.

There are several platforms available around the world. But all of them may not accept offshore company accounts.

What to keep in mind

1. Funds transferred to the trading account will need to be from another local account of the same name

2. A withholding tax may apply to dividends

Company Registration Dubai | Securely Invest Your Wealth

DMCC Free Zone Company

HABOT: Providing peace of mind for living, working, and doing business in the UAE. A live document keeper to make your life hassle-free. Sign up now.

Several documents will be required:

a. Certificate of incorporation. May require attestation.
b. Articles of association.
c. Board of directors resolution authorizing trading and opening of the account.
d. Corporate ownership structure.
e. Proof of identity – passport copies. Some times 2 proofs are required.
f. Proof of address.
g. Forms that will require you to fill out US tax number forms or declaration that you are not falling under US tax purview.

This is a tedious process.

You can take help from your accountant or your offshore company registration firm.

The advantage of setting up an investment account is that it allows you to trade in stocks, bonds or futures around the world. At a low-cost when compared to fund managers.

As well as keeping your wealth safe from tax regulators of the country you earn in.

If you don’t know where to invest, that’s ok. You could take advisory help from a professional you trust or from someone from the trading platform for a fee.

In any case be aware of the fees involved.

Many experts e.g. John Bogle and Benjamin Graham recommend investing for the long term and in Index funds which are well diversified but have low churn and low costs.

Once you are set up with a trading platform in the name of your offshore company you have the assets invested in areas you control.

If you don’t trust wealth advisors, but feel that you don’t know enough and have to use them, this is the best alternative to go forward.

In any case, this is your wealth. So spending time learning how to invest will pay off in the long run.

Company Registration Dubai | Securely Invest Your Wealth

Varal Members

HABOT: Providing peace of mind for living, working, and doing business in the UAE. A live document keeper to make your life hassle-free. Sign up now.

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